Reenactors and Helping Hands

Join the community of volunteers in Ribe VikingeCenter.
Meet up with others who share your interest of Viking history.

Would you like to volunteer?

Over the 30+ years Ribe VikingeCenter has existed, a unique network of Danish and foreign volunteers has developed. Some are engaged as reenactors, while others help out with repairs of different kinds. They all share an interest for Viking history and our place - Ribe VikingeCenter.

Ribe VikingeCenter is a tourist attraction with around 70.000 visitors during our season from May till October. Throughout the opening hours, the reconstructed Viking settings are brought to life by our own interpreters and volunteers. This way of showcasing Viking history is what draws people to visit while holidaying in Denmark. They come here to experience Viking Ripa with all their senses and learn more about the infamous Vikings.


One group of volunteers is the reenactors. They usually join us as groups of both adults and children, they have their own Viking equipment and master one or more Viking crafts. The reenactors are an active part of the interpretation while staying with us.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is another group of volunteers helping us with repairs and maintenance in the reconstructed Viking settings. Their assistance is highly appreciated and one reason why Ribe VikingeCenter can present such well kept settings.